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Connor Joe   [connorajoe]
Newport Beach California United States
Big BandJazz Solo
I am a recent comeback player. I have accumulatively played 10 years from elementary school to college. I took a 3 year break because my career is centered around Finance-Business and I felt like I hit a brick wall with my playing capabilities in college. After graduating I felt like I was missing something and rediscovered playing my trumpet again. After resetting my chops and taking things slowly, I have a renewed passion for playing trumpet and jazz. I am building my chops back up and have a clearer understanding of patience and self discipline. While I do not think I’ll make a career out of playing I just find it relaxing to play exercises and jazz after a long day of work. I have also become a fan of collecting Bach trumpets and different mouthpieces (Monette, GR, and Lotus). If anyone has any advice for a comeback player please reach out!