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Entries in Australia
, MelzaMelbourne
, low_IntervalSydney
-Barnard, -Robert (Bob )Sydney. Australia
-braben, -johnbrisbane
-Green, -LaurieNew South Wales
-Nathan, -David
-soulman, -PeteMelbourne
-uppman, -petermelbourne
Anders, BenjaminBrisbane
Ayres, -MatthewMelbourne
Ayres, MatthewMelbourne
Balderstone, GrahamMelbourne
Baldwin, ChrisBrisbaneUniversity of Queensland School of Music
Bergner, MatthewwollongongCon Jazz Orchestra
Bird, MarkPerth
Black, PaulMelbourne
Bolst, EliotMelbourne
Booth, ChristopherSydney
Brennan, JoelMelbourne
Brook, TomSydney
Buchner, NickSydneyHorns Plus Big Band
Budd, EricMelbourne
Burns, MelHobart
Cahir, LukeMelbourne
Carlton, JessicaMelbourne
Cawthorn, SimonClaremont
Clark, RogerBallarat
Cook, DarylBrisbane
Coughran-Lane, DaveMordialloc
Cujes, LeeBlackheath
Curran, DavidSydney
Cyrus, AveryMelbourneN/a
Davis, SamAdelaide
de Bruin, LeonMelbourne
Deitz, KarlMelbourne
Del, AndySydney
Ellem, DannyGold Coast City Brass Band
Elliott, -JayAdelaide
Ellis, ChrisSydney
Entesano, DerekBrisbane
Evans, RowanSalisbury
Fletcher, DavidSalem
Francis, TimothyMelbourne
Fraser, MickMelbourne
G'Froerer, CallumNorthcote
Galvin, Nick
Gaskell, DavidMelbourne
Gioia, AndrewMelbourne
Go, JoSydney
Goodsell, JoanneSydneySt. Marys Band Club Brass Band.
Goodsell, JoanneSydney
Green, ChrisMaldon
Gretton, ChrisMelbourne
Grimes, BraeMelbourne, AU
Grimes, BraeMelbourne
Hall, SteveWESTERWAYIntonation
Hamilton, LindaSydney
Harvey, Stephen GriffithGriffith City Band
Hicks, AdrianPerth
Hirst, DavidMelbourne
Hurley, ChrisSydney
Hyam, MattSydney
Iffinger, RodBrisbane
James, CameronBrisbane
Jew, StevePerthHills Big Band
keogh, timgrafton
Kirwan, StewartSydney
Liddell, MalcolmGold CoastITG
M., MarcusMelbourne
mac, Adrian
Mackenzie, SeanGold Coast
Marinucci, GianniPreston
McAllister, CamSydney
McColl, DanNagambie
McEwen, AlanSydney
McKellar, FionaWarrnambool/MelbourneStudent(clarinet)
McLennan, PeterSydneyTrumpet Professional
McNaughton, AndrewMelbourne
Melia, JoshuaToowoombaCHSHS
Mendelow, DanielSydneySydney Symphony Orchestra
Mills, MarcMelton South
Neil, AlistairMelbourne
Newdick, DaveMelbourne
O'Connor, BlakeSydney
Oath, Ken Brisbane
Pandrea, CiprianBrisbane
Park, JaySeoul
Pâquet, BobbyCNLB
Peake, BenBrisbaneQueensland Conservatorium of Music
Petrovski, StollySydney
Pierce, JamesBallarat
Priest, SeanMelbourne
Quigley, DanBrisbane
Rizzo, RobertMelbourne
Robson, JonathonBrunswick
RW, FHMelbourne
Ryan-Glenie, NicMelbourne
Salt, PeterHamilton
Savage, RobertMelbourne
Siddon, DerekNorth coast NSW
Smyth, SeanMount Waverley
Spence, GregMelbourne
Stayt, IanSydney
Swain, StuPerth
Tan, Wi BingCanberra
Taylor, JackBentleigh
Tempone, AlexPerth
Th, MichaelMelbourne
Thiele, PatrickAdelaide
Thomas, KeithYea
tinkler, scottMelbourne
Treasure, MartinMelbourne
Trezise-Conroy, JuliaPerth
Turvey, AlisonBega
van Trump, tom
Vo, ThomSydney
Watts, DavidMelbourne
Whitty, Mark-NaroomaFine Tunes Music
wilde, fakingtonLaunceston
Williams, StephenSydney
Williamson, PaulMelbourne
Woods, FrederickHobartHobart City Band
Zubrycki, SamSydney