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Lawler C7Placed: Jun. 15 '24: 9:30 amViews: 127
SOLD! Here is a modern take on a classic American trumpet. The Lawler C7 hails from Flat Creek, TN, where it was handmade by Roy Lawler, ...
Bach 239G Large BorePlaced: Jun. 11 '24: 7:28 amViews: 210
Bach Stradivarius 239G Large Bore C Trumpet. Based on the serial number, this was manufactured in 1999. I'm listing this as mint conditi...
King Legend C - Beautiful CoPlaced: Jun. 1 '24: 9:57 amViews: 240
King Legend C Trumpet. Based on the serial number, this one was made in 1977. In my opinion, one of the last great King models before they w...